10:13:57 From Celine Horner To Everyone : https://about.rte.ie/2021/02/16/rte-seeks-public-opinion-for-public-service-statement/ 10:22:01 From Celine Horner To Everyone : if we set up doughnuts...what will these doughnuts do? 10:22:57 From Brad Macpherson To Everyone : Feasta are incorporating the Doughnut into their vision too. 10:24:01 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Doughnut as a dashboard 10:25:52 From Brad Macpherson To Everyone : My nerd senses are tingling :-D 10:33:49 From Celine Horner To Everyone : cellular economy - cells motivated by social justice and environmental justice providing alternatives to monoliths of state, banks, multinationals that citizens can use. 10:36:30 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Were reducing the harm to environment and increasing the benefit 10:39:56 From Celine Horner To Everyone : consumption and citizen ship alternatives 10:41:05 From Celine Horner To Everyone : the doughnut provides the vision 10:41:45 From Celine Horner To Everyone : purpose of the doughnut is to be an umbrella for all groups 10:42:15 From Celine Horner To Everyone : talk to people who communicate/marketing 10:42:19 From Celine Horner To Everyone : eg rte 10:42:50 From Celine Horner To Everyone : network group to amplify the networks we have and to share ideas 10:42:56 From Celine Horner To Everyone : and knowledge 10:43:31 From Celine Horner To Everyone : doughnut shows where we are and where we want to be. 10:44:29 From Celine Horner To Everyone : doughnut gives us a map of where on the doughnut we are active and focus our efforts on bringing that piece of red into the green 10:48:03 From Celine Horner To Everyone : The goal is to get us into the dough 10:51:32 From Celine Horner To Everyone : we create a tool where we map out all the groups that are working in this area. 10:52:06 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Pivot projects designed AI platform ahead of CoP 26 10:53:45 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Kate's model of distributive economy 10:54:44 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Getting Ireland Inside the Doughnut as a project 10:58:54 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Define our identity rather than dilute 11:02:27 From Celine Horner To Everyone : embed a vision of what we want to create 11:02:46 From Celine Horner To Everyone : that includes voices from each area of the doughnut 11:07:23 From Celine Horner To Everyone : doughnut as a philosophy 11:09:19 From Celine Horner To Everyone : people don't see the green alternative as the answer? 11:10:05 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Doughnut is apolitical - it is possible to achiece the safe space 11:11:31 From Celine Horner To Everyone : We can take the politics out of the doughnut 11:12:54 From Celine Horner To Everyone : Doughnut as a measurement tool rather than a method of how to achieve the ideals of the doughnut 11:13:22 From Celine Horner To Everyone : ITs like yoga people from all walks of life and and political persuasions practice it 11:14:09 From Robert Cazaciuc To Everyone : https://goodlife.leeds.ac.uk/countries/#Ireland