internal package Foswiki::Plugins::EditTablePlugin

Calls EditTablePlugin::Core::parseTables to lift out tables and put them back later. But because tables inside INCLUDEd topics won't expand - beforeCommonTagsHandler is called only once for the parent topic - parseTables needs to get called for included topics separatedly in commonTagsHandler.

We cannot do table parsing in commonTagsHandler because by then the TML has been rendered, and tags like pdf rendered to their equivalent.

Calls EditTablePlugin::Core::parseTables for INCLUDEd topics.

Style sheet for table in view mode

Style sheet and javascript for table in edit mode

If param javscriptinterface="off", adds field to html meta.

Topic revision: r1 - 21 Nov 2014, ProjectContributor - This page was cached on 18 Sep 2024 - 05:54.

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