2021 IDEN virtual cuppa chats - latest at the top

3 September Cuppa Summer holidays, raising free-range children, Modern Monetary Theory, inflation, and Universal Basic Income. Not much in the chat log, only a couple of links: Modern Monetary Theory (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) and Paying for a Universal Basic Income (PDF, linked from the Basic Income Ireland Research Page)

20 August Cuppa If we only have a decade to make a difference where can we be most effective? IDEN are we up to; events, future of the virtual cuppa, how can we be more propositional? PhD research questions. IDEN VC Chat 20210820.txt

28 May Cuppa Cooperation at the local level; How do you build towns for communities to form?; Basic Income; Pivot Projects and Post-Modernism; Piketty, Hickel, what is the secular equivalent of a church's community-building? IDEN VC Chat 20210528.txt

21 May Cuppa We have enough data, we need action; Podcasts; Haunted houses needed in Cork IDEN VC Chat 20210521.txt

14 May Cuppa Rubberbandits, Tir na nÓg, Agharta IDEN VC Chat 20210514.txt

11 May IDEN Monthly virtual cuppa IDEN VC monthly chat 110521.txt

05 May Cuppa - Precariousness of conservation work; the hidden power of economists; intergenerational perspectives on life during and after Communism in Roumania; Lobbying; Gaeilge focal an Lae "Scáthbhliain" (cheek, effrontery, chutzpah). "The pandemic response was tangible, response to climate emergency is blunted as it's slow-motion." IDEN VC Chat 20210507.txt

30 April Cuppa - Reflecting on April & what’s been alive in the doughnut. Doughnut Economics in discussions about transport decarbonisation; Making space for people to grieve an ecological loss; David McWilliams and MMT; Less is More - Jason Hickel; Open Source Everything; The lifespan of our lifespan; Meaningful work; UBI and Feasta; Creative Ireland. IDEN VC Chat 20210430.txt

16 April Cuppa - Education! IDEN VC Chat 20210416.txt

13 April IDEN Monthly virtual cuppa IDEN VC 04122020.txt
'Our mission is to establish a network of people, businesses and organisations aiming to provide support, ideas and examples in aid of developing sustainable practices that contribute to a thriving society and healthy ecological system.'

09 April Cuppa - What is the flavour of the Irish Doughnut? Complicated history of invasion; If you build too much on the past, you don’t get where you need to go; Pivots; Doughnut helps to avoid blind spots IDEN VC Chat 20210409.txt
02 April Cuppa
-Cróga Report, Power and Agency, Privilege and Power. IDEN VC chat 2021-04-02.txt

19 March Cuppa - Talk from Alice about the West Cork Doughnut Economy Network, some news from Róisín about an upcoming seminar in Cork with a special guest, discussion about Pivot Projects (with Damian) and how they can support initiatives implementing the Doughnut Economics approach IDEN Virtual Cuppa chat 19032021.txt

12 March Cuppa - Chat: IDEN VC Chat 20210312.txt Discussed the role of local Doughnuts, what is the Doughtnut (a tool for visualising the current state of the economy vs a philosophy for shaping economies), what is the role of IDEN in identifying and bringing together expert groups, and what sort of shape does the economy we want to transition to take.

9 March IDEN virtual cuppa after-hours IDEN VC afterhours 090321.txt

26 February IDEN virtual Friday morning IDEN VC 26Feb.txt

8 February IDEN virtual cuppa after-hours IDEN vc afterhours 08032021.txt

22 January Cuppa - Chat: IDEN VC Chat 20210122.txt - PDF of rough notes with links: Cuppa 1 of 2021 - rough minutes.pdf - Discussion around what we are doing; Political action responses to Climate Breakdown. County development plans. Getting business involved. IDEN, future: What platforms to use. Proposal of Feb 13th event. Events & Resources.

In 2020 IDEN formed and hosted weekly cuppas from September to December, the saved zoom chats are shared below.

IDEN's members have been speaking about their work during our Zoom virtual cuppas (referred to as VC or cuppas), short videos will be posted soon

2 October Cuppa Chat IDEN VC Chat 02102020.txt

16 October Cuppa Chat IDEN VC chat 16Oct2020.txt

6 November Cuppa Chat: IDEN VC 20201120-103730_Ireland-vi.txt lots of books to read suggested here. Mooze spoke about the work she and her allies are doing in Cork.
* suggest we develop an area to pool further reading, recommendations and listening.

13 November Cuppa Chat: IDEN VC Chat 13112020.txt
IDEN VC Caroline Corrigan13112020.mp4 presentation with Caroline Corrigan, Climate Action & SDG Officer at Meath County Council & Climate Reality Leader

20 November Cuppa Chat: IDEN VC 20201120-103730_Ireland-vi.txt
IDEN VC _Catríona Cahill Limerick Chamber vi_640x360.mp4 presentation with Catríona Cahill Economist Limerick Chamber:

27 November Cuppa Chat: IDEN VC Chat 20201127.txt
IDEN VC _Caroline Whyte FEASTA 271120.mp4 presentation with Caroline Whyte FEASTA

4 December Cuppa Chat: IDEN VC 04122020.txt open group discussion.

11 December Cuppa Chat: IDEN VC Chat 20201211.txt Discussion around what we are doing; access to the Wiki and to Movim/XMPP; how we can move from talking to doing.

IDEN logo voted for the most.

IDEN idenity.png

Roisin also shared these comparative doughnuts from the DEAL tool 22 comparing Ireland with EU. use the tool to compare Ireland to other countries in the EU or globally.
The tables are worth studying - note Nitrogen, eHANPP (an indicator of land-use intensity & nation's domestic biomass consumption)

Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 20.10.54.pngScreenshot 2020-12-03 at 20.10.06.png

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Cuppa 1 of 2021 - rough minutes - duncan.pdfpdf Cuppa 1 of 2021 - rough minutes - duncan.pdf manage 54 K 29 Jan 2021 - 10:23 DuncanCrowley Cuppa 1 of 2021, fri 22 Jan. PDF: Rough Notes, links, resources etc..
IDEN 13042021 WEST CORK DE Network.mp4mp4 IDEN 13042021 WEST CORK DE Network.mp4 manage 42 MB 03 May 2021 - 19:23 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN idenity.pngpng IDEN idenity.png manage 46 K 04 Dec 2020 - 12:20 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC 04122020.txttxt IDEN VC 04122020.txt manage 10 K 04 Dec 2020 - 12:10 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC 20201120-103730_Ireland-vi.txttxt IDEN VC 20201120-103730_Ireland-vi.txt manage 2 K 03 Dec 2020 - 12:14 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC 26Feb.txttxt IDEN VC 26Feb.txt manage 6 K 26 Feb 2021 - 12:29 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN vc afterhours 08032021.txttxt IDEN vc afterhours 08032021.txt manage 12 K 10 Feb 2021 - 12:56 RoisinMarkham IDEN vc afterhours 08032021
IDEN VC afterhours 090321.txttxt IDEN VC afterhours 090321.txt manage 10 K 10 Mar 2021 - 08:20 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC afterhours 130421.txttxt IDEN VC afterhours 130421.txt manage 12 K 21 Apr 2021 - 08:57 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC Caroline Corrigan13112020.mp4mp4 IDEN VC Caroline Corrigan13112020.mp4 manage 118 MB 03 Dec 2020 - 18:18 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC _Caroline Whyte FEASTA 271120.mp4mp4 IDEN VC _Caroline Whyte FEASTA 271120.mp4 manage 177 MB 04 Dec 2020 - 12:26 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC _Catríona Cahill Limerick Chamber vi_640x360.mp4mp4 IDEN VC _Catríona Cahill Limerick Chamber vi_640x360.mp4 manage 104 MB 03 Dec 2020 - 18:23 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC Chat 02102020.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 02102020.txt manage 4 K 03 Dec 2020 - 15:13 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC Chat 13112020.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 13112020.txt manage 6 K 03 Dec 2020 - 15:11 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC chat 16Oct2020.txttxt IDEN VC chat 16Oct2020.txt manage 5 K 03 Dec 2020 - 15:14 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC Chat 20201127.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20201127.txt manage 4 K 03 Dec 2020 - 14:54 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC Chat 20201211.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20201211.txt manage 3 K 11 Dec 2020 - 12:50 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210122.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210122.txt manage 18 K 29 Jan 2021 - 10:32 DuncanCrowley IDEN VC Chat 2021 01 22
IDEN VC Chat 20210312.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210312.txt manage 2 K 12 Mar 2021 - 14:01 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC chat 2021-04-02.txttxt IDEN VC chat 2021-04-02.txt manage 3 K 30 Apr 2021 - 11:29 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210409.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210409.txt manage 6 K 30 Apr 2021 - 11:35 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210416.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210416.txt manage 1 K 30 Apr 2021 - 11:36 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210430.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210430.txt manage 9 K 30 Apr 2021 - 11:38 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210507.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210507.txt manage 2 K 08 May 2021 - 15:58 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210514.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210514.txt manage 1 K 28 May 2021 - 19:59 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210521.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210521.txt manage 3 K 28 May 2021 - 19:59 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210528.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210528.txt manage 12 K 28 May 2021 - 20:00 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC Chat 20210820.txttxt IDEN VC Chat 20210820.txt manage 3 K 20 Aug 2021 - 11:42 BradMacpherson  
IDEN VC monthly chat 110521.txttxt IDEN VC monthly chat 110521.txt manage 3 K 12 May 2021 - 12:01 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN VC monthy 110521.txttxt IDEN VC monthy 110521.txt manage 3 K 12 May 2021 - 11:57 RoisinMarkham  
IDEN Virtual Cuppa chat 19032021.txttxt IDEN Virtual Cuppa chat 19032021.txt manage 2 K 23 Mar 2021 - 23:23 RoisinMarkham  
Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 20.10.06.pngpng Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 20.10.06.png manage 294 K 04 Dec 2020 - 12:12 RoisinMarkham  
Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 20.10.54.pngpng Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 20.10.54.png manage 386 K 04 Dec 2020 - 12:11 RoisinMarkham  
Topic revision: r29 - 03 Sep 2021, BradMacpherson - This page was cached on 19 Oct 2024 - 14:27.

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