Movim is a chat client we use to stay connected, similar to WhatsApp or Google Hangouts. It is hosted on our website, and connects to our server using a network protocol called XMPP. This is similar to email in that anyone may run their own server while still being able to communicate with the users of other servers.

Our server uses our domain; users of this Wiki are automatically able to log in to the chat network using their login name. Other chat clients may also be used, such as Conversations on Android phones or Gajim on Linux, Mac, or Windows desktops. Movim is available through your browser though on all these platforms and does not require any software be installed.

To get an account, then, just register for the Wiki.

You can then use the login name and password you've chosen to log into the Wiki

as well as to Movim, adding '' to your login name like so:

Topic revision: r1 - 16 Dec 2020, BradMacpherson - This page was cached on 19 Oct 2024 - 18:52.

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